Europa. Learn about the European Commission's role in instigating and implementing the EU's policies. There she bore Zeus three sons: Minos, ruler of Crete; Rhadamanthys, ruler of the Cyclades Islands; and, according to some legends, Sarpedon, ruler of Lycia.
Operated by the second generation of our founding family, we're proud to craft products and policies focused on supporting likeminded, independent eye care professionals.
The beauty of Europa inspired the love of Zeus, who approached her in the form of a white bull and carried her away from Phoenicia to Crete.
Why Europa Get In Our Game. In one popular version of her story Europa was a Phoenician princess who was abducted by Zeus and whisked off to Crete; King Minos, he of the labyrinth and Minotaur fame, would be one of the results of Zeus' rape. Register Now Next Reason Why » Europa is the eyewear company committed to staying independent.