Puthandu 2023
Puthandu 2023. Likewise, Puthandu, aka Tamil New Year, is the first day of the Tamil month Chithirai, as well as the first day of the year on the Tamil calendar.. It is observed by the people of Tamil Nadu and by the members of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka and other parts of the world.
It is believed that on this auspicious day, Lord Indracame to the earth on this day to ensure peace and serenity.
Tamil New year also called Puthandu (புத்தாண்டு) or Tamil varusha pirappu (தமிà®´் வருட பிறப்பு) is the celebration of the Tamil New Year as per the Tamil calendar.
May the sun radiate all the goodness of life in the coming year and always! From this Puthandu let us move forward with positivity towards our dreams. Likewise, Puthandu, aka Tamil New Year, is the first day of the Tamil month Chithirai, as well as the first day of the year on the Tamil calendar..